Spend Your Summer With GIGI Building Blocks - GIGI TOYS

Spend Your Summer With GIGI Building Blocks

SUMMER IR HERE! Probably, for most of the kids this is their favorite season of the year, as it means that it is warm, sunny, and..FUN! Along swimming and fun trips with parents there are, of course, parties with many exciting activities and games to engage in. By our mind, one of the most suitable activities for joyful summer parties is block play that is so diverse that it can be used in hundreds (if not even thousands) of ways!

Block play and summer are “a match made in heaven” as…

GIGI Building blocks are light and safe, so parents can relax a bit and not worry all the time about what their children might do to themselves.

Cardboard building blocks are so diverse that they can be used in multiple ways - for building, for storing something, for drawing activities, for throwing, for making music, for races, for decorations, and so on, and so on!

Building blocks can keep kids busy for hours and hours - no need for that many activities (and preparation).

GIGI building blocks are BIG - if used for building, children will be so excited that they have created something so GRAND they will later on spend even more time taking photos of and with their masterpiece and bragging about it.

Cardboard building blocks are so light they can easily be moved around (or inside in case of rain) - no need to hire 5 bodybuilders to move the equipment and decorations around the garden/area chosen for the party. This becomes extremely important in case rain decides to surprise you unexpectedly.

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